Vista Annoyances - O'Reilly to the rescue, again

Stuck with Vista on your new PC? Decided to throw caution to the wind and upgrade? Sorry you did it? Have a world of headaches and annoyances?

O'Reilly, the leader in computer reference books, is about to release Vista Annoyances, which will undoubtedly be as helpful as was, and still is, XP Annoyances. The cover for Vista Annoyances is less annoying than that of XP (a Surinam toad whose babies hatch from its back!).

Aside from the wonderful and rather repugnant reproduction habits of nature, XP Annoyances remains to be a users survival guide. Finding yourself doing more tweaking, fixing, patching and rebooting than you are working when it comes to a computer is no less than downright freaking frustrating. Whether you're a novice or a grand computer master (is there such a thing?) you can't go wrong by having one of O'Reilly's reference books near by or a link bookmarked to their site.
