Fantastic Free Fonts

Looking for great fonts to jazz up a web site, graphic or presentation? My top picks for some of the best Free Font sites on the net:

1001 Freefonts
A huge collection of free fonts for both Mac and PC.
The site is easy to navigate and as far as I've ever seen popup free. No ads.

1001 Fonts (different site)
"On the first look, is just another website for downloading tons of free TrueType and PostScript fonts for both MS Windows and Apple Macintosh, but that is not the whole deal. All of the fonts on this site were contributed by a large pool of font authors, who have spent many hours (days, or even months) of hard work creating them, so that you can download them for free. For them, this website offers numerous font activity statistics and feedback opportunities, so that becomes more a community platform, where font authors and users can interact with each other."

Font Freak
One of the largest and most visited freeware and shareware font sites on the net. Here you can download free fonts - thousands of them - as well as purchasing over 25,000 commercial fonts. You will find thousands of free fonts to download from over 400 different authors. Most fonts have a PC and Mac version. The dingbats are in true type format only, but if you're using Mac OSX, you should be able to use them.
