Gloves for Touch-Screen Phones

The recent cold snap in North Texas made it miserably clear to me that my beloved touch screen Android phone was completely useless while I wore gloves.

Our local Fox affiliate (Fox 4 Dallas) reporter, Steve Noviello, shows us the latest inovation geared for the touch screen user: touch screen friendly gloves!

Gloves for Touch-Screen Phones:

Where to buy?
The AGloves site is exceptionally well organized and easy to navigate. The pricing for these gloves is tremendously low (just $17.99).

Product Description

Touch Screen Gloves for cold weather use. You can text with these gloves on! Agloves touch screen gloves are lightweight, soft, warm, stretchy and slightly fuzzy knitted gloves. Made in the USA, these seamless, knitted gloves have high quality workmanship. Agloves are compatible with any and all of your touch screen phones, cameras, multimedia devices, game systems, and eReaders.  Two unisex sizes S/M or M/L  Color is black with silver flecks to produce a charcoal grey coloring.  Hand washable in water.
Agloves work on all touch screens including:  iPhone, Droid X, Samsung, Tom-Tom GPS system, Nook, ATM, iPad, iPod Touch, MP3 player, Palm Pre, Blackberry Storm, Zune HD, Flip HD and other cameras, and many more.
And yes, I will be getting a pair, maybe two or three considering how the weather has been going lately. 
