Holiday Shipment Notices From Amazon Contain Trojans's popularity can't be missed when it comes to great deals online, especially during the holidays. With so many people ordering online, email shipment notices abound, and so do attempts to trick users, who are excited to track their online purchases.

Currently, a trojan (malware, virus, etc.) is being circulated as an attachment in an email disguised as an shipment update. This email, for appearances, looks like something from Amazon, and even carries the domain in the email address. Don't be fooled!! 

This is an example of the fake email:
This email will have an attachment named "Shipping Documents". It is that attachment that contains an executable file (.exe) that is a trojan designed to seek out more malware on the Internet and download it onto your computer.

Legitimate Amazon shipping notice email will look like:
It will gives details of your order, such as the items that you purchased, their price and a tracking number.

Amazon and many other online merchants will not send documents as attachments generally.

Be cautious of clicking on links within emails as well; always hover over links and check the URL to make sure they are legitimate before going to the web site - This is especially important if the link directs you to a web page where you need to enter any personal information such as passwords, credit or bank account information.

Being safe and protecting your credit and computer during this shopping season doesn't mean you have to completely avoid and miss out on the convenience and bargains offered online.

For more information on how to protect your self online, visit your bank's or online merchant FAQ's.
