Oops! Oh crap, you added an incorrectly spelled word to the Word Custom Dictionary. Now how do you delete and correct it?
Word 2007 is actually a little easier to maneuver around in than it first appears, and correcting a misspelled word in the customer dictionary is not as daunting as it might seem.
1. Open Word.
Word 2007 is actually a little easier to maneuver around in than it first appears, and correcting a misspelled word in the customer dictionary is not as daunting as it might seem.
1. Open Word.
2. Click the Office button (the really big Fisher Price looking button in the upper left corner of the application window).
3. Click the Word Options button.
4. Select Proofing from the left pane.
5. Click the Custom Dictionaries button.
6. Select the custom dictionary (the default is CUSTOM.DIC) and click the Edit Word List button.
7. Select the word from the dictionary and click the Delete button.
8. Go back up to the Word(s) text box and enter the correct spelling for the word. Click Add.
9. Click OK to close the dialog box.
10. Click OK to close the Custom Dictionaries window.
11. Click OK to OK to close the Word Options window.
Not that hard at all. Now... be more careful next time.
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