Unlock PDF Files

Locked PDF files are usually locked for a good reason, but when you just have to print or possibly merge a locked PDF it can be a real frustration.

Not anymore, thanks to PDFUnlock! A new free web site that removes restrictions from PDF files.
PDF files can have restrictions that prevent you from for example copying text from them or editing, printing or merging them. PDFUnlock! can remove these restrictions (a.k.a "owner password").

If a password is required to open the uploaded file, you will be asked to enter it (a.k.a "user password"). PDFUnlock! cannot, however, recover lost or unknown user passwords.

A PDF file can also be subject to non-standard encryption, such as DRM. PDFUnlock! does not remove such.

PDFUnlock is brilliantly helpful for a multitude of reasons. And did we mention, it's free?

The Javalot Jive Disclaimer: Use this new found power wisely.
