StalkDaily Denies Infecting Twitter with Spam Worm

A lot of finger pointing is going on right now between Twitter and StalkDaily thanks to a spamming virus that's infected Twitter pages by editing links that redirect to

Now the thing is, StalkDaily is refuting this, and some are saying that this is an attempt to destroy StalkDaily's reputation. Perhaps even, that the virus wasn't produced by StalkDaily, but someone at Twitter.

Everyone is sending out warnings that no one should visit the StalkDaily web site, yet the only way of picking up this spam worm is by visiting a Twitter user's page that's infected.

Here's the malicious code for the looksy. (Credit TechCrunch)

Whose really to blame? There's no telling, but for the meantime, the best way to avoid being hit by this worm is to use third party applications to follow and update your Twitter (Twhirl, TwitterFox).

Signs of infection: Your account url has changed to a link going to StalkDaily.

Yeah, that's basically it. So if you discover you are infected you should log in and out and clear your cookies.

Update: Statement from
For everyone wondering, I did not promote and/or was involved with the spammin ON Twitter. All bad things you are hearing about this iste is not true. Please reconsider as I am not the person who did this.

Stalk Daily is a websit that follows the same functions as Twitter, except more advanced. How? Well, instead of just adding an "update status", people can add pictures and videos. Then can stalk them, so when they upload a video or picture, or comment someone, you'll know!
