Make your laptop unique: Customize it cheap

Ugly laptop woes be gone. Your laptop is just a laptop; boring, drab, just another black, silver or white slab of technology you're lugging around to class or the boardroom. Not any more. Get creative and dress that baby up!

Check out
They not only offer removable and reusable laptop cover stickers, but also covers for iPods. The cost ranges from $20 and up, and sizes can be customized.

There are several others places on the web also offering "Skins" for laptops and other personal electronics:

Pimp My Laptop:

If you don't like what the sites have to offer in the way of designs-- add your own. Most of the sites allow users to upload artwork and images of their own to produce a truly one of a kind skin.
Getting creative and unique with your laptop is not only to be "cool" but also provide a little more buffer between you and a thief looking to pick up a laptop that looks just like all the others.
